Importance of Scrap Processing

Importance of Scrap Processing

Scrap processing can be summed up as scaling up scrap for recycling or transforming the raw scrap into a form that melts quickly and is simple to feed into the furnace with the help of tools like a Scrap Shredder. This definition might not always apply due to a complex value chain, but in the end, that is what we want to achieve.

A piece of scrap is rarely in the form in which it can be recycled; there are steps and processes required to make it reach that form.

The steps are:

  • Dismantling
  • Segregating
  • Processing
  • Refining

Depending on where the scrap came from, some or all of these procedures might be altered or skipped. For instance, some equipment might require a Car Shredder, while others may need a Metal Crusher Machine or a different machine. (check blog).

The advantages of scrap Processing:

  • It segregates different materials for recycling
  • It lessens the amount of harmful or useless material that recyclers encounter.
  • It makes scrap transportation simple and affordable.
  • Depending on their needs, recyclers can select from a variety of unprocessed or upcycled scraps.
  • International trade in scrap is made simpler.

Advantages of Scrap Processing for Recyclers:

  • Processed scrap melts faster
  • Processing scrap reduces slag production.
  • Processing scrap reduces pollution.
  • Processed scrap saves electricity.
  • Processed scrap saves water.
  • The lifespan of a furnace crucible's lining or patches is extended by processed scrap.
  • The furnaces need less time to heat up.
  • Yield % from a single heat increases.
  • The Production of molten metal per day increases. 
  • The likelihood of choking in a furnace decreases.
  • It is less likely for the furnace to overheat.
  • The furnace floor is clean.
  • The chances of accidents reduce.
  • Overall, less electricity is used per ton.
  • Feeding raw materials into the furnace becomes simple.